
The one who blesses others is abundantly blessed;
those who help others are helped.
— Proverbs 11:25 (MSG)

If you’re looking to rewatch/listen to the talks or View from the Bridges from Journeys in Provision, click the button below.

  1. Pray about it.

With all decisions we want to make sure we root our lifestyle and decisions in prayer, offer God time to speak to you about your giving, whether as an individual, couple or family. Bring God your fears and hopes around provision.

2. Discuss it.

We are made for community and choosing to share even the most vulnerable parts of our life leads to fruitfulness. Spend time discussing with your household, if appropriate and your Missional Community Leader or Church Leader.

3. Detail it.

How could you respond? Tithing, giving away a lump sum (a whole month’s salary?) Work out what, when and how. Here’s a guide to help you.

And be accountable to someone about your decision.

4. Give and communicate it.

There’s three reasons to communicate to our treasurer:

  • It shows commitment to what you’ve decided

  • It helps the Bridge plan financially with wisdom and clarity

  • It’s an easy way to complete a Gift Aid form.


How to give:
1. STANDING ORDER/BANK TRANSFER - regular giving to account name “The Bridge Benefice, Coventry RC112901”, account number 65377095, sort code 08- 92-99. Please put a reference so we know who it's from & what it's for!

2. CHURCHSUITE - click here for the link.

3. CASH or CHEQUES in WEEKLY ENVELOPES (cheques to 'The Bridge Benefice' please)

4. CASH, CHEQUES or WIRELESS GIVING in the Sunday offering plate - without envelopes (cheques to 'The Bridge Benefice' please)